Ventilatory response to medroxyprogesterone acetate in normal subjects: time course and mechanism

The time course of ventilatory adaptation to medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and potential mediators of this response in plasma and lumbar CSF were determined in five healthy adult males. A significant decrease in arterial PCO2 (PACO2) at rest and exercise was noted within 48 h of drug administration with the maximum effect reached within 7 days and amounting to a 5-Torr decrement in PACO2. Blood and lumbar cerebrospinal fluid pH because significantly alkaline to control as soon as the ventilatory resporse was noted and remained alkaline during the treatment period. The ventilatory and dP/dt max response to exogenous CO2 was unchanged but their response to moderate exercise was increased after MPA. MPA-rlated materials were detected in both the plasma and CSF as soon as the ventilatory response was noted. The increase in CSF MPA-related materials approximated the unbound fraction determined in plasma. We conclude that [H+] in plasma and CSF is a function rather than a cause of ventilator acclimatization to MPA. MPA-related materials are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and could potentially exert their ventilatory stimulant effect by some central mechanism.