Pentylenetetrazol‐Induced Convulsion and Effect of Anticonvulsants in Mutant Inbred Strain El Mice

The El mouse is an inbred strain developed from ddY mice and is very susceptible to seizure. In El mice, convulsions could be induced by 18 mg/kg of pentylenetetrazol, which is an inert dose in ddY mice. The features of the convulsions were the same as those induced by the tossing-up procedure, a common method to evoke convulsions in El mice. Phenytoin, phenobarbital, valproate sodium, and ethosuximide clearly inhibited pentylenetetrazol-induced convulsions in El mice. These findings suggest that induction of convulsions by pentylenetetrazol in the El mouse is a simple mehtod as compared with induction of convulsions by the tossing-up procedure, and convulsions evoked by this method are a precise experimental model for the study of hereditary epilepsy and for the evaluation of anticonvulsant drugs.