Accumulation of Deletions and Point Mutations in Mitochondrial Genome in Degenerative Diseases

Accumulation of various mutations in the mitochondrial genome is proposed as an important contributor to aging and degenerative diseases. Extensive fragmentation of mtDNA was detected in association with increased 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine content in the heart mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from a patient with premature aging and mitochondrial cardiomyopathy, who carried a mutation within the mitochondrial tRNA(Asp) gene. This result suggests that damage to mtDNA by hydroxyl radical and accumulation of deleted mtDNA can be accelerated by a specific mitochondrial genotype. Similarly, extensive fragmentation of mtDNA was also detected in cultured cells exposed to a high oxygen concentration atmosphere, implying that mtDNA is vulnerable to reactive oxygen species. To clarify the role of point mutations accumulated in mtDNA, we examined the sequence heterogeneity of mtDNA in the skeletal muscle of a MELAS patient who carried a mutation within the mitochondrial tRNA(leu)(UUR) gene. The analysis revealed that the frequency of mutant clones in the MELAS muscle was significantly higher than those in an age-matched control muscle and a control placenta. Some of these nucleotide substitutions were missense and nonsense mutations, which potentially have deleterious effects on the mitochondrial function. The frequency of nucleotide substitutions in the striatum of three patients with Parkinson's disease was also significantly higher than that in control tissues. We also observed increased protein modification by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, a lipid peroxidation by-product, in Parkinson's disease. These results suggests that a vicious cycle contributes to the progression of degenerative process. In this cycle, first a primary mitochondrial mutation(s) induces a mitochondrial respiratory defect, which increases the leakage of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the respiratory chain. Then the ROS would trigger accumulation of secondary mtDNA mutations in postmitotic cells, leading to further aggravation of mitochondrial respiratory defects and increased production of ROS and lipid peroxides from mitochondria, and thus resulting in degeneration of cellular components.