-The region contains a rich and varied discomy-cete flora; from the 408 collections studied 173 spp. were identified, which represent 74 genera. New spp: Ascophanus brunneus*, Belonioscypha minuta*, Discina olympiana*, Discinella Washingtonensis*, Humaria stellata*, Humarina Washingtonensis*, Hyalopeziza pteridis*, Lachnaster minia-tus*, Ombrophila lysichitonis*, Phialea pallida*, P. olympiana*, and Rutstroemia microspora*. New combs.: Hum-aria albocincta (Peziza a. B. and C); H. coprinaria (P. c. Cke.); H. crucipila (P. c. Cke. and Phill.); H. diplotricha (Lachnea d. Rehm.); H. erinacea (P. e. Pers.); H. melaloma (P. m. Fr.); H. theleboloides (P. t. Fr.); H. lusatiae (P. l. Cke.); Ascophanus granulatus var. robustus {Humaria g. r. Star.); Chlorociboria aeruginascens {Chlorosplenium a. Nyl.); Sarcosphaera amplissima (Peziza a. Fr.); Phialea cyathoidea var. minutula (P.m. Sacc); Dasyscypha capitata (Peziza c. Pk.). New names: Ascophanus velenovskyi (A. granulatus Velen.) and Lachnum bohemicum (L. corticale Velen.).