Axisymmetric antidynamo theorems in compressible non-uniform conducting fluids

This paper considers magnetic fields generated by dynamo action in electrically conducting fluids under axisymmetric but otherwise very general non-steady conditions, including compressible flowv, variable magnetic diffusivity, general volume shape (possibly even a union of disconnected conductors) with smooth possibly-moving boundary. We critically review previous antidynamo results and are forced to question a number of the more important ones. Using operator inequalities and maximum principles for uniformly elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations we construct a number of functions (‘comparison functions’) that bound the meridional flux functionx. In particular, we derive the uniform boundsχX(0),0tτ,X(0)tτe1t/τ,tτ,Y1(0)F1(ϖ)et/τ,t0,whereX(t) = max |η| andY1(t) = max |η/F1(ϖ)| at timet;F⩾ 0 being a prescribed function of cylindrical radius ϖ; and equality in the first bound being only possible att= 0. These bounds prove thatχdecays uniformly in space and unconditionally to zero; by advancing the time origin, thatX(t),Y1(t) decay strictly monotonically to zero; and τ is an upper bound for the decay time. By using Schauder-type aprioriestimates, spherical harmonic analysis and other techniques, it follows from these bounds that other field parameters, such as the meridional vector fieldBm, the external multipole moments, the toroidal current density and the net outward surface flux, all decay to zero (but not all uniformly). The decay-time boundTis directly related to the magnetic Reynolds numberR(based on the speed and radius suprema, and diffusivity infimum). For free decay (R= 0) it is seen that variations in diffusivity and volume shape cannot extend the decay time by more than a factor of about 2.5 over the poloidal free-decay time in a fixed uniform sphere (τpol= π-2). However, for largeR, τ may take very large values (for example τ ⩾ 1017diffusion time units whenR« 102). The same comparison function approach applied to the azimuthal field parameterA=B??ϕ/ϖ leads to pointwise decay bounds analogous to those given above provided R∇vandδη/δϖare small (see (5.16)); but, as for χ, the decay-time bounds may sometimes be exceedingly large. These decay bounds forAalso assume that given the decay ofBm, the rate of generation, (vϕBmA) say, ofAby differential rotation shearing theBm-lines, is reasonably modelled by a uniformly decaying function. For the special case of free decay in a uniform fluid (whereυ=δη/δϖ=(υϕBmA)=0) it is seen that variations in volume shape cannot extend the free-decay time by more than a factor of about 2.5 over the toroidal free-decay time in a fixed uniform sphere (τtor— (1 -43π)—2) ; and for a uniform incompressible fluid (where ∇υ=δη/δϖ=0, but (υϕBmA) ≢ 0) it is seen thatAdecays uniformly pointwise to zero. For compressible non-uniform fluids we prove more generally (i.e. regardless of ∇υandδϖ/δη) that ||A||1, the volume integral of |A| cannot grow above a finite bound determined by (υϕBmA).When (υϕmA) is negligible ||A||1is shown to decay strictly monotonically. And if In |A| does not develop negative ϖ-gradients steeper than In (constant/t½) for larget, then ||A||1decays to zero beneath a comparison function, which again may decay extremely slowly. One of our main conclusions is that axisymmetric antidynamo theorems allowing compressible flow in non-uniform fluids have notyetbeen shown to be generally effective, in the sense that they do not ensure decay on timescales that do not significantly exceed the relevant astroplanetary timescales, unless the compressibility and non-uniformities are specially restricted (as, for example, by Backus (Astrophys.J. 125, 500 (1957))). Our most important results do not...

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