An experiment on boundary mixing: mean circulation and transport rates

An experiment is described in which a turbulent boundary layer was generated along a sloping wall of a laboratory tank containing salt-stratified fluid. Initially, the pycnocline separating the upper fresh-water layer from the lower saline layer was relatively thin; it thickened in response to the mixing as the experiment proceeded. Two types of mean circulation developed as a result of the boundary mixing. In the boundary layer, counterflowing mean streams were observed that augmented the diffusion of salt up- and downslope. This augmented dispersion in turn tended to spread the salt beyond the depth range of the pycnocline in the ambient fluid, producing a mean convergence in the boundary layer and intrusions from the layer into the ambient fluid.The evolving density structure in the ambient fluid was measured by conductivity-probe traverses, from which the net buoyancy flux (or salt flux) and volume flux in the boundary layer were determined. The level of zero volume flux was found to coincide closely with the level of maximum stability frequency N, so that the buoyancy transport across this level was entirely the result of turbulent dispersion in the boundary layer. At other levels, the convective transports up and down contribute significantly. A simple theory provides scaling in terms of the laboratory parameters; in terms of the inferred overall turbulent viscosity νe, the buoyancy transport resulting from boundary-layer dispersion was found to be \[ F_{\rm B} = 0.60 \left\{\frac{\nu_{\rm e}N(z)}{\sin\theta}\right\}^{\frac{3}{2}}\cos^2\theta, \] and the intrusion velocity into the ambient fluid is \[ v_1 = 0.42\frac{\nu_{\rm e}^{\frac{3}{2}}}{N^{\frac{1}{2}}h^2}\frac{\cos^2\theta}{(\sin\theta)^{\frac{3}{2}}}, \] where θ is the angle of the sloping bed. These expressions must become invalid when θ becomes vanishingly small; their application to estuarine and continental slope flows is discussed briefly.