This article describes spectroscopic investigations of small ionic complexes consisting of a diatomic (N2 +) or triatomic (N2O+) core bound to one or more rare-gas atoms (He, Ne, Ar). The experiments involve detecting ionic fragments arising from resonance-enhanced, tuneable laser photodissociation in a tandem mass spectrometer. On the basis of progressions in the low-frequency intracluster vibrations conclusions are drawn concerning ion–neutral potential-energy surfaces in the equilibrium region. Thus the smaller N2 +–Hen complexes consist of an almost freely rotating N2 + surrounded by delocalised He atoms, each bound by around 100 cm–1. In contrast N2 +–Nen complexes appear to be more stable and at lower internal energies have reasonably localised structures. For the N2O–Ar+ complex, charge–transfer bands exhibiting long, strong progressions in the two low-frequency intermolecular vibrations are apparent, proving that considerable structural rearrangement accompanies the transition. Other experiments concern the relaxation of a vibrationally excited N2 + molecule that is surrounded by various numbers of He ‘solvent’ atoms. Quenching occurs on the µs–ms timescale with a rate that increases with the degree of solvation.