Fermi Energy of Metallic Lithium

A boundary condition method is developed for deriving the coefficient E2n in the power series expansion of the energy of an electron of wave number k moving in the lattice of an alkali metal. (The entire calculation proceeds within the framework of the Wigner-Seitz atomic sphere approximation.) If the electron wave function is expanded as ψk(r)=eik·r(u0+u1k+u2k2+) it is shown that the boundary condition [(r)(s partof u2n)]r=rs=0 leads naturally to an evaluation of E2n in terms of values at rs of homogeneous solutions of the Schrödinger equation and their derivatives with respect to energy and radius. In this way, a simple expression for E4 is obtained analogous to that derived by Bardeen for E2. For the case of metallic lithium, this expression leads to the value E4=0.031, which agrees with that obtained by the more tedious method of evaluating the expectation value of the Hamiltonian using a wave function correct to the second order in k.