Inclusions in seed protein bodies in members of the Compositae and Anacardiaceae: comparison with other dicotyledonous families

Thin sections, freeze-fracture replicas, energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analyses, and chemical analyses of cotyledon tissue from seeds of sunflower (Helianthus annuus), golden everlasting daisy (Helichrysum bracteatum), cashew (Anacardium occidentale), and pistachio nut (Pistacia vera) showed that in all four species the protein bodies consisted of a proteinaceous matrix surrounding numerous globoid crystals. Some variation in globoid crystal size did occur, but they were generally small in relation to the size of the protein body. No protein crystalloids were found in the cotyledon protein bodies of these four species. EDX analysis results were consistent with the globoid crystals being phytin rich. Results of this study, combined with an evaluation of protein body structure in other dicot embryos that have been studied, support the theory that protein body structure is related to taxonomic grouping.

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