Amine Oxidase Inhibitors

The patient feels better under medication with iproniazid and its analogues than he felt prior to the administration of these preparations. Whereas he remains aware of petty annoyances, he now reacts toward these with emotional detachment. He assumes a healthier attitude toward his disease and a more hopeful outlook toward the future outcome. Possible bases for the antianginal effectiveness of MAO-inhibitors include rise in the pain threshold, analgesic activity up to the effectiveness of codeine, central nervous system stimulation, a specific oxygen-sparing effect and, possibly, coronary dilatation. Development of the MAO-inhibitors unquestionably is an important forward step in the treatment of patients with angina pectoris. In addition, patients with hypertension of severe degree require much decreased dosage of other antihypertensive medication to maintain safe blood pressure levels while under MAO-inhibitor treatment. Provided patients are observed carefully for signs of untoward effects and such tendencies are corrected immediately, side effects are exceedingly rare.