The electron spin resonance spectrum of CH3ĊHCOOH at 77°K inl-α-alanine

The change in the electron resonance spectrum of a γ-irradiated single crystal of l-α-alanine on cooling to 77°k has been interpreted in terms of the cessation of rotation of the methyl group of the trapped radical, CH3ĊHCOOH. The isotropic hyperfine couplings of the three hydrogens of the methyl group are found to be 120, 76 and 14 Mc/s respectively compared to the value of 70 Mc/s each at 300°k. The geometry of the free radical at 77°k is such that, in projection on a plane perpendicular to the Ċ-CH3 bond, one of the C-H bonds makes an angle of about 12° to the plane of the free radical centre and this hydrogen is probably adjacent to the carboxyl group.