Hyperfine Fields and Curie Temperatures of the Heusler Alloys Cu2MnAl, Cu2MnIn, and Cu2MnSn

The effective magnetic fields at all non-Mn sites, the nuclear-hyperfine contributions to the specific heat, and the paramagnetic Curie temperatures have been calculated for the Heusler alloys Cu2MnAl, Cu2MnIn, and Cu2MnSn, by an extension of the virtual-bound-state (resonance) model previously used by Caroli and Blandin. The required electronic ξ factors are determined from paramagnetic-susceptibility and Knight-shift data on dilute Cu-base binary alloys; and a phenomenological procedure is used to estimate the reduction in ξ factors appropriate for the corresponding ions in the Heusler alloys. The latter effect is important, and failure to take the reduced s-wave character into account yields hyperfine fields which are too large by a factor of 2-4 for the polyvalent ions. Our predictions for those saturation hyperfine fields which have not yet been determined are -355±45 KOe for In in Cu2MnIn, and -280±45 and -260±100 kOe for Cu and Sn, respectively, in Cu2MnSn. The nuclear-hyperfine contribution to the specific heat of Cu2MnIn is predicted to be (5.94±1.11 mJ°Kmole1)T2. We give a critical and comprehensive comparison of theoretical results and available experimental data.

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