The Knight shift in pure liquid gallium is measured as a function of temperature between 300 and 740°K and is found to obey the empirical relation for change with temperature, K=(2.95±0.15)×107(T300). These data agree with and extend the earlier measurements of McGarvey and Gutowsky, who interpreted their results as being in qualitative agreement with free-electron theory. In the present work the shift is found to vary only slightly with volume, according to the expression K(V)=0.00449(VV0)0.1±0.1 at pressures between 1 and 5000 kg/cm2. The nuclear relaxation times T1 and T2 are measured from 270 to 470°K in gallium and from 233 to 356°K in mercury. The relaxation rate 1T1 is divisible into a magnetic hyperfine part and a quadrupolar part. The magnetic part is consistent with the Korringa—Pines theory. The quadrupolar part is explained according to the theory of relaxation by atomic diffusion; good estimates are obtained by using correlation times equal to jump diffusion times reduced by a vacancy fraction of about 0.1 and quadrupole coupling calculated using a single void space at a neighbor position on a quasilattice. The quadrupolar coupling increases with temperature, if the correlation time for the interaction is assumed to be governed by diffusion processes. The experimental relaxation rates 1T1 (sec1) for gallium and mercury are most simply expressed as a function of temperature in the range of the measurements: Ga69, 3.3T+(8000.67T); Ga71, 5.3T+(3200.27T); Hg199, 63T;Hg201, 8.9T+(6900080T). (In these expressions, the first term gives the hyperfine part; the term in parentheses gives the quadrupole part.)