Computer calculations of inelastic electron scattering for M1 transitions in light nuclei are carried out for very low-energy electrons, E0<5 MeV, and low-energy electrons 10<E0<70 MeV. The calculation is a partial-wave analysis using the Duke program. Computer results are presented graphically as the Coulomb distortion versus Z, E0, k, and θ. The dependence of the assumed nuclear model on the calculation is examined. Numerical results are presented leading to a revision of the radiative width Γ0 for the 15.1-MeV state of C12. Revised widths are presented for other M1 transitions in B10, Mg26, and Si28. With regard to the C12 width, the present status of the conserved-vector-current test in B12, C12, and N12 is discussed. Finally, the numerical significance of Coulomb effects in the M1 breakup of the deuteron by electrons with E0<100 MeV is presented. The small Coulomb-distortion effect is compared with estimates of meson exchange currents in D(e, e)np.