In the horse mackerel the gametes develop asynchronously and are released in batches. The maturity cycle is characterized by a rapid post‐spawning recovery period and a relatively long period of oocyte maturation. Mean gonad weight reached a peak in June and intraovarian hyaline oocytes occurred from May to August. Determination of fecundity was complicated by resorption of oocytes both before and after spawning, and by the fact that resting and developing oocytes were not clearly separated by size. An estimate of‘potential fecundity‘was obtained by a combination of histology and oocyte measurement. Plankton surveys showed that a major spawning area exists in the Southern Bight of the North Sea, with eggs occurring from May to late August. An estimate of annual egg production was combined with the fecundity data to give an estimate of stock size of about 500 000 tons.