SECONDARY carcinoma of the penis is exceedingly rare. Wattenberg,1 in 1944, collected 19 cases from the literature and added 1 of his own. Since 1944, as far as I can ascertain, 13 additional cases2 have been described. Of the total number (33) of cases which have been reported, in 7 the primary tumor was in the rectum. Niewiesch,3 Matheson,4 Stein and Hantsch,5 Kerr and Gillies,2a Melicow and Ganem,2b Thompson,2f and Cattell and Mace2i have reported these cases. Recently, a patient with secondary carcinoma of the penis arising from a carcinoma of the rectum came under my care whose case I believed worth while reporting because of its rarity. REPORT OF A CASE W. H., a 52-year-old white man, was admitted to Montefiore Hospital on Nov. 27, 1948, with the main complaint of pain in the right leg. His present illness began