Infectious Mononucleosis in Denmark: Epidemiological Observations based on Positive Paul-Bunnell Reactions from 1940 to 1969

An analysis has been made of data from 17 000 patients whose serum gave a positive Paul-Bunnell reaction on investigation at Statens Seruminstitut, Denmark, in the period 1940 to 1969. The annual number of cases with heterophile antibodies increased during the period. In the years 1963 to 1969, the number of cases in Denmark with positive Paul-Bunnell reactions was 20 per 100 000 inhabitants per year, and the number of notified cases 60 per 100 000. The incidence of Paul-Bunnell positive cases was higher in the Copenhagen area than in the rest of the country. During the period of survey the peak age fell by 2 years for both sexes. The sex distribution was almost equal, but heterophile antibodies were found at an earlier age in women.