Ascorbate Free-Radical Reduction by Glyoxysomal Membranes

Glyoxysomal membranes from germinating castor bean (Ricinus communis L. cv Hale) endosperm contain an NADH dehydrogenase. This enzyme can utilize extraorganellar ascorbate free-radical as a substrate and can oxidize NADH at a rate which can support intraglyoxysomal demand for NAD+. NADH:ascorbate free-radical reductase was found to be membrane-associated, and the activity remained in the membrane fraction after lysis of glyoxysomes by osmotic shock, followed by pelleting of the membranes. In whole glyoxysomes, NADH:ascorbate free-radical reductase, like NADH:ferricyanide reductase and unlike NADH:cytochrome c reductase, was insensitive to trypsin and was not inactivated by Triton X-100 detergent. These results suggest that ascorbate free-radical is reduced by the same component which reduces ferricyanide in the glyoxysomal membrane redox system. NADH:ascorbate free-radical reductase comigrated with NADH:ferricyanide and cytochrome c reductases when glyoxy-somal membranes were solubilized with detergent and subjected to rate-zonal centrifugation. The results suggest that ascorbate free-radical, when reduced to ascorbate by membrane redox system, could serve as a link between glyoxysomal metabolism and other cellular activities.