Convulsant Effects of Mikedimide (3,3, Methylethyl Glutarimide) in Monkeys.

3,3, Methylethyl glutarimide, a central analeptic with strong antagonism to barbiturates, was tested in Macaca mulatta by rapid intravenous injection. Seizures occurred usually within a minute and could be promptly terminated by intravenous barbiturates. Comparison of threshold convulsant dosages in 6 normal unoperated and 5 monkeys made chronically epileptic by application of alumina cream to cerebral cortex showed a clear-cut separation between the groups (5-9 mg/kg for normals and 0.75-2.7 mg/kg for epileptics.) An intermediate dose of 4 mg/kg which was non-convulsive in 8 additional monkeys, 2 unoperated and 6 brain-operated non-epileptic, is suggested as a challenge dose for evaluation of epileptic status in monkeys and should prove a valuable addition to the battery of pharmacologic tests developed for this purpose.