Protein sorption on polymer surfaces measured by fluorescence labels

Fluorescence labeling can be used in studying protein sorption on various surfaces with a sensitivity of about 10−8 g/cm2, commensurate with radioactive labeling. Fluorescamine proved to be the most suitable compound for studying protein sorption on hydrophilic gels, because, unlike fluoresceine isothiocyanate and dansylchloride, free fluorochrome does not interfere with measurements. Sorption properties of labeled serum albumin were tested on poly(2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate), on the copolymer of 2‐hydroxyethyl methacrylate with methyl methacrylate, and on polyethylene. Labeling does not cause aggregation of the protein, but, as expected, it shifts and somewhat broadens its electrophoretic band while at the same time slightly raising its affinity toward hydrophobic surfaces.

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