Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in the Amygdala and Medial PrefrontalCortex During Traumatic Imagery in Male and Female Vietnam Veterans With PTSD

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Several recent functional neuroimaging studies have investigated brainactivation during exposure to trauma-related stimuli in posttraumatic stressdisorder (PTSD). For example, the presentation of combat sights and soundsto male combat veterans (MCVs) with PTSD has been associated with relativelyincreased activation in the amygdala1,2 andcerebellum3-5 andrelatively decreased activation in subcallosal gyrus.3 Therecollection of personal traumatic events (via the script-driven imagery paradigm)in PTSD has been associated with activation in the amygdala,6 orbitofrontalcortex, anterior temporopolar cortex,6,7 andinsular cortex6 and relatively decreased activationin anterior cingulate gyrus,7,8 medialfrontal gyrus,8 and subcallosal gyrus.9

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