Absolute Macrophage Dependency of T Lymphocyte Activation by Mitogens

A T lymphocyte subpopulation that contains only 0.3% macropages and less than 2% B lymphocytes has been prepared from guinea pig lymph node cells by the use of two different types of adherence columns. This subpopulation does not proliferate in response to the mitogens Con A or PHA unless additional macrophages are added. The means by which macrophages restore T cell responsiveness to PHA has been investigated. Macrophages appear to function via two distinct mechanisms in this experimental situation. The first mechanism involves the binding of PHA to the macrophage followed by the “presentation” of the mitogen to the T lymphocyte in a manner that induces cell activation. This presentation function requires that the macrophage be viable and metabolicially active. The second mechanism by which macrophages function is by the elaboration of a soluble factor or factors. The presence of these factors has been reliably and reproducibly demonstrated by using a double-chambered, Marbrook-type tissue culture vessel. This soluble factor can induce activation of T lymphocytes with surface bound PHA in the apparent absence of any form of macrophage presentation. In contrast, the function of this factor is clearly distinct from that of the reducing agent, 2-mercaptoethanol, (2-ME) since 2-ME does not enable this T cell subpopulation to be activated by mitogens. On the basis of these observations, we propose that two distinct signals are required to activate this T lymphocyte subpopulation. One signal is delivered by the interaction of the mitogen with the T cell surface, and the second singal is delivered by a soluble factor(s) produced by macrophages. Whether all types of T lymphocytes require two signals to be activated, remains to be established.