We examine the prediction of the Lorentz-contracted geometrical model for proton-proton elastic scattering at small angles. The model assumes that when two high-energy particles collide, each behaves as a geometrical object which has a Gaussian density and is spherically symmetric except for the Lorentz contraction in the incident direction. It predicted that dσdt should be independent of energy when plotted against the variable β2P2σtot(s)(38.3 mb). Thus the energy dependence of the diffraction-peak slope (b in an eb|t| plot) is given by b(s)=A2β2σtot(s)(38.3 mb), where β is the proton's c.m. velocity and A is its radius. We used recently measured values of σtot(s), and obtained an excellent fit to the elastic slope in both t regions [t<0.1 (GeV/c)2 and 0.1<t<0.4 (GeV/c)2] at all energies from s=6 to 4000 (GeV)2.