The Band Spectrum of HS

The absorption spectrum of HS is obtained by passing repeated flashes from a source of continuous background through a discharge tube in which HS radicals are formed from H2S by pulses of radiofrequency current synchronized to precede immediately the flashes. The spectrograms obtained show only one band at 3237A. The rotational structure indicates that the ground state is an inverted Π2, and the excited state a Σ2. Because of the strong ΛΣ coupling in the Π2 state the doublet is wide, and since the Boltzmann factor greatly favors Π322, only the strongest branch, Q2, from the Π122 state is found. From Π322 the P21Q and Q21R satellite branches as well as P1, Q1 and R1 are found. For the Π2 ground state the best values of the constants obtained are B0=9.47; D0=0.001 and A=378.6 cm1. The constants for the excited Σ2 state are B0=8.30; D0=0.00078, and γ=0.32 cm1. The origin of the 0,0 band is at 30,659.1 cm1.