Analysis of genetic markers in forensic DNA samples using the polymerase chain reaction

The ability to extract and type DNA from forensic evidentiary samples has revolutionized the field of forensic serology. Previously, genetic marker typing was limited to the analysis of blood group markers and soluble polymorphic protein markers. Because the number of suitable markers expressed in particular fluids and tissues is relatively small, and because mixtures of fluids cannot be separated for conventional genetic marker typing, a suspect frequently cannot be included or excluded as a fluid donor in a case. However, the development of methods to extract DNA from virtually all biological specimens has greatly expanded the potential for individual identification. Of particular importance was the ability to extract mixtures of sperm cells and epithelial cells found in sexual assault cases such that the DNA from the sperm cells could be typed independently of the DNA from the victim's epithelial cells. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was the first DNA-based method applied to problems of individual identification. This method, while powerful in its ability to differentiate individuals, is limited by the quantity and quality of DNA required for an unambiguous result and by the amount of time it takes to obtain a result. Despite these limitations, several laboratories are using RFLP analysis successfully for the detection of polymorphisms in forensic DNA case samples. While the field of forensic serology was being revolutionized by the prospect of DNA analysis, the field of molecular biology was being revolutionized by the invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which ultimately has had an impact on every area of biological science. The PCR DNA amplification technology is ideally suited for the analysis of forensic DNA samples in that it is sensitive and rapid and not as limited by the quality of DNA as the RFLP method. The focus of this article is the use of the PCR for typing genetic markers, and we will address specifically the special considerations that arise from applying DNA amplification and typing technology to forensic materials.