Thermal-electric interaction or "internal thermal feedback" occurs in temperature dependent devices and four-poles at low frequencies, if the thermal time constants are small. An electrical equivalent circuit which describes this thermal effect is generally derived and applied to transistors in common base and common emitter configuration. It consists of current sources and of resistance-inductance circuits which can be directly related to the thermal equivalent circuit of the device. It is shown that this thermal feedback should not be neglected in the measurement of high-frequency transistors, in the design of dc or video amplifiers and voltage or current regulators. Some measurements are reported and discussed. For instance, a strong frequency dependence of some four-pole parameters, especially of the forward trans-conductance y21and the short circuit output admittance y22eof high frequency transistors was found at frequencies below 1 Mc. These effects can be explained by the new equivalent circuit. Possible application of this thermal-electric interaction may include the realization of large low Q inductances for low frequency integrated circuitry, and perhaps the investigation of pinch-in and second breakdown effects. It appears that the low frequency noise figure of transistors may also be affected by this effect.

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