The effectiveness of silica treatments against wood-boring invertebrates

Timber specimens were impregnated with the organo-silicate tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in an effort to deposit hard silica granules and improve resistance to wood-borers. Trials were conducted against marine borers (teredinids and Limnoria), the termite Coptotermes acinaciformis, and the wood-boring beetle Lyctus brunneus. A 14-week laboratory bioassay against C. acinaciformis showed that treated Pinus radiata containing 16.7 wt.% silica was as readily attacked as untreated timber. However, a 3-year laboratory trial of treated Castanospermum australe showed that attack by L. brunneus was prevented by 10.3 wt.% silica, and reduced by 0.7 and 3.4 wt.% silica. A trial of wood treated with copper-chromium-arsenic followed by silicon was conducted in the sea at Townsville, Australia for 7 years. Double treatment with 6.7 or 19.2 wt.% silica prevented attack in P. radiata by teredinids, while for CCA alone some replicates failed. In the same trial, double-treated Corymbia maculata with lower silica retention failed. Silica granules may overwhelm the food and waste-sorting mechanisms in teredinids and lyctine larvae, whereas borers, requiring less intimate contact with granules (Limnoria and termites), or those that do not ingest wood for food (Sphaeroma and Martesia), are little affected.