Photoprotons Produced by 245±15-Mev Gamma Rays on Carbon

A carbon target was bombarded by 342-Mev bremsstrahlung from the Berkeley synchrotron. The energy spectrum of protons produced at 60 deg was measured from 90-250 Mev. Interactions due to 245±15 Mev gamma rays were selected out by requiring a coincidence between the protons from the target and the electrons associated with these gamma rays. Analysis was made using the quasi-deuteron model of Levinger. In contrast with previous analyses of this kind, conservation of both momentum and energy were taken into account in a fairly accurate way. Results of this analysis determine the momentum distribution of the centers of mass of the quasi-deuterons. The momentum distribution that results in the observed proton spectrum, normalized to one quasi-deuteron, is given by d3NdPD3=0.2(4πME1)32expPD24ME1+0.8(4πME2)32expPD24ME2, where E1=1.6 Mev, E2=20 Mev.