Singlet Deuterons (d) from (p, d) Reactions

Singlet deuterons d (i.e., a neutron-proton system in the S=0, T=1 virtual state) are treated as particles emitted from nuclear reactions. A method for detecting them by np coincidence time-of-flight techniques is described. (p, d) reactions induced by 12-MeV protons on Li7 and Be9, and by 17-MeV protons on Be9, C13, Mg25, and Sn117 are investigated. In the lighter elements, angular distributions of d are measured and compared with those of deuterons from analogous (p, d) reactions, and the ratios R=σ(p, d)σ(p, d) are determined. Semiquantitative comparisons with theory indicate reasonable agreement. In Mg25 and Sn117, no (p, d) reactions could be detected, although they are expected to be observable at least in Sn117.