Crystallographic properties of a series of synthetic hydroxyapatites.

The crystallographic properties of hydroxyapatites synthesized at temperatures of 200°C, 500°C, 900°C and 1250°C, designated HAP200, HAP500, HAP900 and HAP1250, respectively, were studied using X-ray powder diffraction. Values of a-axis length for the hydroxyapatites ranged from 9.406 Å to 9.416 Å, which were smaller than the corresponding value for stoichimetric hydroxyapatite, a=9.418 Å. Generally, the a-axis length decreased with the synthesis temperature, except for HAP500 which showed the smallest value. Crystallinity of the hydroxyapatites, measured by X-ray diffraction peak broadening as full width at the half-maximum value (FWHM), increased with the synthesis temperature, although HAP500 showed a decrease. These results suggest that the synthetic hydroxyapatites contained some carbonate ions, probably at the A-site of the apatite structure, and that the structure was depleted of carbonate ions at about 500°C.