η and η Production near Thresholds and Backward Charge-Exchange Differential Cross Section in πp Reactions

We have performed an experiment to study the reaction π+pη+n near threshold, preliminary to a forthcoming measurement of charge asymmetry in η-meson decay. The η was identified by the velocity of the associated neutron. We detected neutrons produced in the forward hemisphere in the center-of-mass system corresponding to the most energetic neutrons in the laboratory. Data were taken at π momenta between 670 and 805 MeVc. The four neutron detectors made it possible to detect neutrons at angles of 0° to 21° from the incident pion beam. We present backward differential cross sections for both pion charge exchange and η production calculated from the data. We looked for η at pion momenta of 1.5 BeVc and observed none. We obtained σ(πpnη)60 μb.