Maintenance of cancellous bone connectivity in primary hyperparathyroidism: Trabecular strut analysis

We previously demonstrated an increase in cancellous bone volume and trabecular number in patients with mild primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). To test the hypothesis that this increase is due to preservation of cancellous bone architecture, we conducted a trabecular strut analysis using a new method that measures trabecular connectivity. Iliac crest biopsies from 37 patients with PHPT, 14 men (28–68 years) and 23 women (26–68 years), were examined histomorphometrically and compared to cadaveric samples from 24 age-matched subjects, 17 men and 7 women. Two-dimensional indices of cancellous structure–node number (N.Nd), terminus number (N.Tm), node to node (Nd.Nd), node to terminus (Nd.Tm), and terminus to terminus (Tm.Tm) strut lengths, and total strut length (TSL)–were measured and the ratio of node number to terminus number (N.Nd/N.Tm) calculated. TSL, N.Nd, and Nd.Nd were significantly higher in patients than in controls. TSL and Nd.Nd, but not N.Nd or Nd/Tm, decreased significantly with age in PHPT, indicating that age-related bone loss in PHPT occurs without significant loss of trabecular connectivity. Two-dimensional indices reflecting connectivity or the amount of bone, that is, N.Nd, Nd.Nd, N.Nd/N.Tm, and TSL, correlated positively with cancellous bone volume (BV/TV) and trabecular number (Tb.N) and negatively with trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp) in both PHPT and controls. Trabecular thickness (Tb.Th) correlated positively with Nd.Nd and Tb.N and negatively with Tm.Tm in PHPT but not in controls. The present data show that in PHPT there is not only greater cancellous bone volume and trabecular number but preserved trabecular connectivity as well. The data further support the hypothesis that in PHPT cancellous bone architecture is maintained.
Funding Information
  • NIH (AR-41386, DK-32333, AR-35647, AR-39191, DK-01836)