High-temperature spin dynamics in an amorphous ferromagnet

We have carried out an inelastic-neutron-scattering investigation of the high-temperature spin-wave excitations and the critical dynamics in the amorphous ferromagnet (Fe65Ni35)75 P16 B6 Al3 (TC=572 K). Well-defined spin-wave excitations are observed for wave vectors 0.06q0.18 Å1 and for temperatures up to 555 K. The spin-wave dispersion relation over this q range is well described by the expression ω=Δ+Dq2, where Δ(T=0)0.05 meV and D=115[10.45(TTC)52] meV Å2; the 52 power law appears to hold up to 450 K. Measurements at T=450 K show that the spin-wave damping is consistent with the Heisenberg-model prediction Γ(q)q4ln2[kBTω(q)]. In the critical region the spin-wave stiffness is found to follow the power law D(1TTC)0.5±0.1 for 0.021TTC0.2, while at TC the energy width is consistent with ΓC(q)q2.7±0.2 for 0.05q0.18 Å1. These results are in satisfactory agreement with dynamical scaling theory for the Heisenberg ferromagnet and further they are in good accord with similar, albeit more-detailed, measurements in the crystalline transition metals Fe, Co, and Ni.