Spin-fluctuation light scattering at high temperature

Two-spin-fluctuation light scattering in a Heisenberg paramagnet is treated theoretically in the limit of infinite temperature and the results for the intensity I(ω) as a function of frequency shift ω are compared directly with room-temperature data on RbMnF3. The method of computing the four-spin correlation functions which appear in I(ω) is to use a type of randomphase approximation which reduces the problem to calculating the spectral density OqOqω at frequency ω, where Oq=Sq·SqSq·Sq and q is the wave vector. This treatment is shown, for an infinite system, to be equivalent to the standard decoupling approximation of replacing the four-spin function by products of pairs of two-spin functions. Our formulation is advantageous for computational purposes, though, since the decoupling procedure requires the calculation of (Sq·Sq2)ω, whereas theories only exist for Sq·Sqω. A convolution integral would then be required to complete the solution if the decoupling were used. Here we approximate OqOqω directly by the method of a Gaussian generalized diffusivity and avoid the convolution altogether. The resulting I(ω) gives good agreement with experiment using the accepted low-temperature value of the exchange constant J in RbMnF3 and no adjustable parameters. The nature of the photon-spin coupling is such as to discriminate against long-wave-length q0 modes, and thus there is no anomaly in I(ω) for ω0, as can occur for diffusive modes and strong weighting of the interaction at q=0.