A Rapid Method for the Determination of Radioactive Diisopropyl Phosphate (DI32P), Monoisopropyl Phosphate (MI32P) and Inorganic Phosphate (32Pi) in Biological Material.

Dl32p is completely recoverable from acidified trichloroacetic acid filtrates by two extractions with a (1: 1) mixture of isobutanol and benzene. Ml32p is extractable to the extent of about 59%. On addition of molybdate and further extraction with the solvent mixture only the 32Pi is extracted quantitatively, the MI32P remaining in the aqueous phase under the conditions employed. By applying appropriate corrections the true values for Dl32p, MI32P, and 32Pi can be calculated. The method has the advantage of being simple, rapid and capable of being used for the routine analysis of a large number of samples in combination with the available methods for the determination of DF32P and 32pi.