Fifteen species of the Caliciales are reported from Africa and Macaronesia. Calicium subquercinum, Chaenotheca chrysocephala, Ch. trichialis, Coniocybe furfuracea, C. gracillima, Sphinctrinella calicioides and Tylophoron protrudem are new to Africa; Calicium trabinellum and Strongyleuma exsertum are new to Macaronesia.The species belong to two groups with respect to their distribution: (1) the borealtemperate species with a wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Chaenotheca chrysocephala and Ch. trichialis, occur only at high elevations, usually about or above 3000 m; (2) one including, for example, Tylophoron moderatum, T. protrudens and Schistophoron—species occurring at low or moderately high elevations with a subtropical/tropical distribution.