Multiparametric analysis of peripheral blood in the normal pediatric population by flow cytometry

Lymphocyte subset analysis was performed on 114 healthy children and 84 healthy adults. Samples were prepared by a whole blood lysis technique and analyzed by flow cytometry. The percentage and total number of CD3 +, CD4 +, CD8 +, and CD19 + lymphocytes were calculated for each of six age groups. A direct correlation with age was seen in the percentages of CD3 +, CD4 +, and CD8 + lymphocytes. The absolute number and percentage of total lymphocytes, the percentage and absolute number of CD19 + lymphocytes, and the absolute number of CD3 + lymphocytes decreased with age. No significant correlation with age was observed for white blood cells, the absolute number of CD4t and CD8+ lymphocytes, and the CD4 + /CD8+ ratio.