The vibronic theory of resonance hyper-Raman scattering

The intensities of vibrational resonance hyper-Raman transitions are developed in the usual framework of vibronic theory. In analogy to linear Raman scattering, the leading terms of RHR scattering, A, B, and C, are found when the electronic transitions moments, appearing in the transition hyperpolarizability, are expanded to first order in nuclear coordinate dependence. Noncentrosymmetric molecules are predicted to be the strongest nonlinear scatterers and derive activity from the RHR A term. In contrast to the vibronic analysis of linear Raman scattering, both one and two-photon allowed transitions contribute to RHR scattering cross section at the same order of vibronic theory (B term) for centrosymmetric molecules. RHR scattering spectra of gas phase CH3I, NH3, and CS2 illustrate A- and B-term RHR activity.