Effect of the atomic core on the fine-structure splitting for excitednpstates of the alkali-metal atoms

We have calculated the second-order interaction between the spin-orbit coupling perturbation Hso r1(dVdr)1·s acting on the core electrons and the exchange Coulomb interaction between the valence and core electrons. This calculation was previously carried out for two alkali nd states (Na 3d and Rb 4d), and was shown to result in the observed inversion of the fine-structure interval Δν for these d states. This calculation is extended to excited np states, and it is shown that the radial integrals have opposite sign to those for nd, resulting in a small increase of the calculated Δν (by ∼10-20% in all cases). Specific results have been obtained for several excited np states of Na, K, Rb, and Cs, and give agreement to within 20-30% with the experimental fine-structure splittings Δνexpt.