Schwingungsspektrum und Kristallstruktur des fünffach-koordinierten cis-Dioxo-dipicolinato-vanadat(V)-Anions / Vibrational Spectrum and Crystal Structure of the cis-Dioxo-dipicolinato-vanadium(V) Anion

Cis-Dioxo-dipicolinato-vanadate(V), Crystal Structure, IR, Raman The crystal structure of Cs[V(O)2(dipic)]·H2O (dipic = pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate) has been determined by single crystal x-ray diffraction analysis. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/a, with cell constants a =737.8(3), 6=1917.5(5), c = 792.9(3) pm, β= 94.87(6)°, and Z = 4. The geometry about vanadium is a distorted trigonal bipyramid containing a cis-dioxo moiety (∢ O-V-O 109.9(3)°, V=O bond lengths 161.0(6) and 161.5(6) pm). Vibrational absorptions νs(V - 0) and νas(V=O) were found at 956 and 947 cm-1 in the IR and Raman spectrum, resp.