Reassessment of the accuracy of traditional sperm characteristics and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in estimating the fertilizing potential of human semen in vivo

Receiver operating characteristic curves and accurary parameters were computed for traditional sperm characteristics (concentration, motility, morphology) and the number of peroxidase negative cells, and the concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in semen from populations of fertile and infertile men, and men who achieved a pregnancy after varicocele treatment. The percentage and concentration per millilitre of spermatozoa with rapid linear progressive motility, and the ATP concentration, provided the best discrimination between fertile and treated fertile from infertile men. The misclassification rate was higher for sperm morphology, total progressive motility and viability, whereas sperm concentration and the total sperm count per ejaculate had the worst discriminating power. The number of peroxidase negative cells per 100 spermatozoa was highly specific in identifying men who achieved pregnancy after varicocele treatment. The lower limit of normality of sperm characteristics was remarkably different between fertile men and men achieving pregnancy after treatment or during infertility work-up.