The hyperfine interaction of the ground state and 21.7-keV state of Eu151 in europium iron garnet have been measured at 300, 81, and 20°K using the technique of Mössbauer absorption. Values of (335±50), (570±35), and (670±100) kOe were found for effective magnetic fields acting on the Eu nuclei in europium iron garnet at the temperatures of 300, 81, and 20°K, respectively. These values are in agreement with theoretical calculations of the nondiagonal matrix elements associated with the admixture of states produced by the exchange interaction. The value of the quadrupole interaction eQ0qeff of the ground state of Eu151 in europium iron garnet was found to be (-240±100) Mc/sec at 81°K. The results yield an assignment of a spin of 72 for the 21.7-keV level and a value of μ=(2.54±0.15) nm for the magnetic moment of this level.