Supravital studies of the colored corpuscles of the hemolymph or body fluid of Phascolosoma gouldi (Gephyrean), Glycera dibranchiata (Polychete), Thyone briareus (holothurian) and Area transversa (mussel) are recorded. The corpuscles of Phascolosoma contain hemerythrin; the others, hemoglobin. All the corpuscles are disc-like in form and the respiratory pigment is uniformly distributed throughout the cell. The corpuscles are usually nucleated, but in Thyone a variable no. of small, non-nucleated spherules was noted. Mitochondria were present in all cells. Other cytoplasmic inclusions consisted of vacuoles of undetermined nature, fat globules and refractile granules, either colorless, yellow or brown. The granules react readily with vital dyes and are slightly basophilic. Their composition was not determined but it is suggested that they are derivatives of the respiratory pigment. Rather extensive patterns of reticulation, resembling those of vertebrate erythrocytes, appear in the corpuscles of all 4 species on exposure to suitable concentrations of brilliant cresyl blue.

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