Compositional patterns in vertebrate genomes: Conservation and change in evolution

The evolution of vertebrate genomes can be investigated by analyzing their regional compositional patterns, namely the compositional distributions of large DNA fragments (in the 30–100-kb size range), of coding sequences, and of their different codon positions. This approach has shown the existence of two evolutionary modes. In the conservative mode, compositional patterns are maintained over long times (many million years), in spite of the accumulation of enormous numbers of base substitutions. In the transitional, or shifting, mode, compositional patterns change into new ones over much shorter times. The conservation of compositional patterns, which has been investigated in mammalian genomes, appears to be due in part to some measure of compositional conservation in the base substitution process, and in part to negative selection acting at regional (isochore) levels in the genome and eliminating deviations from a narrow range of values, presumably corresponding to optimal functional properties. On the other hand, shifts of compositional patterns, such as those that occurred between cold-blooded and warm-blooded vertebrates, appear to be due essentially to both negative and positive selection again operating at the isochore level, largely under the influence of changes in environmental conditions, and possibly taking advantage of mutational biases in the replication/repair enzymes and/or in the enzyme make-up of nucleotide precursor pools. Other events (like translocations and changes in chromosomal structure) also play a role in the transitional mode of genome evolution. The present findings (1) indicate that isochores, which correspond to the DNA segments of individual or contiguous chromatin domains, represent selection units in the vertebrate genome; and (2) shed new light on the selectionist-neutralist controversy.