Acute Gonorrheal Urethritis in Men

A total of 290 male outpatients were treated for gonorrhea at Fulton County (Georgia) Health Department by the intragluteal injection of each with 2 gm of spectinomycin sulfate (1.4 gm of the base). Diagnosis was based on clinical evidence of gonorrhea plus the demonstration of intracellular gram-negative diplococci in smears of urethral discharge with confirmatory cultures and sugar fermentation studies for identification of the gonococcus. Within a two-week period, 195 patients had returned for posttreatment work-up. Fifteen of those treated had clinical evidence of gonorrhea with laboratory confirmation. In spite of increasing prevalence of gonorrhea in Fulton County, this 2-gm schedule of spectinomycin sulfate compared favorably with the best of 18 schedules employing various antibiotics, singly and in combination, which were evaluated at the Fulton County Health Department from 1960 to 1961.