The previous report of Kuo, Yin and Chang on a field survey of schistosomiasis japonica in Szechwan (Chinese Med. Jour., Chengtu Edition 63 A: 144-148) is first briefly mentioned. Two districts are now known to have autochthonous cases of schistosomiasis with 9 others considered to be possible endemic areas. The presence, however, of Schistosoma japonicum in about 20% of the cattle coming from different districts indicates an even wider distribution. Of > 4,000 specimens of snails exam''d, one was found harboring cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum. The snail was named Schistosomophora slateri by Bartsch. Tucker Abbott, however, believes that S. slateri is merely a form or subspecies of Oncomelania nosophora. In addition to Schistosoma japonicum, Ornithobilharzia turkestanicum is common in the mesenteries of about 40% of cattle in Szechwan.