The propagation of a strong coherent "pump" wave traveling through a resonant medium is discussed. The medium is assumed to consist of identical stationary atoms, and the pump-wave frequency is assumed to coincide exactly with the resonance frequency for transitions between a particular pair of atomic states. A previously developed theory of the response of a strongly driven atom to a weak nearly resonant "signal" field is used to deduce the existence of a coupling between any two waves travelling parallel to the pump wave whose (nearly equal) frequencies sum to twice the pump-wave frequency. In the limit of very intense (highly saturating) pump fields, the coupling between the two waves of nearby frequencies leads to amplification of both waves if their frequencies lie within an interval about the pump-wave frequency equal to the Rabi frequency of population inversion. The basic process, which is roughly described by travelling-wave parametric-amplifier equations of motion, consists of the absorption of two pump-field photons followed by their emission at different nearby frequencies, and thus implies a frequency instability of the initially coherent pump wave.