Seasonal changes in the N and P content of foliage in a young forest of Fagus sylvatica were measured. Leaves from branches of the upper and lower crown of dominant trees and from suppressed trees were compared. Nutrient retranslocation rates during senescence differed considerably between trees. This variation appeared not to be related to any differences in environmental factors or tree vigour, and was probably genetically induced. In dominant trees the most efficient retranslocation of N was recorded in the upper crown and probably resulted from higher leaf temperatures and a longer senescent period in the sun leaves than in the shade leaves. Phosphorus retranslocation efficiency was higher in suppressed trees than in dominant ones, but no such tendency was observed with N. The most obvious difference between leaves at different crown levels concerned the time at which P translocation began; an outflow of P from leaves in the lower crown began in June, while in the upper crown this outflow did not begin until September/October.