This work presents a systematic investigation and comparison of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (e.m.) and electrostatic ion-cyclotron (e.s.) instabilities in uniform mixed warm and cold plasmas for magnetospheric-like plasma parameters. The following main aspects are included: Analytical: (i) we derive simple approximate expressions for the maximum growth rate, γmax for the quasi-electrostatic instability in the regime ωr » …p, к┴ » к∥ (к∥ ≠ 0) with the protons being described by mixed loss-cone and cold populations and with inclusion of electromagnetic coupling effects due to electrons; (ii) we analyse another regime in which electrostatic instalilities first increase with addition of cold plasma and decrease only after having reached a maximum, namely a regime with ωr » …p, к = к≠; (iii) we summarize the corresponding analytical results for parallel propagating electromagnetic ion-cyclotron unstable waves and discuss their validity range.