On the Mechanics of Surging Glaciers

Observations of surging glaciers indicate that the flow regime is one dominated by extensional flow. The stress state has substantial longitudinal deviatoric stress. This regime is very different from the conventional model for glacier dynamics which is dominated by shearing flow. In addition, the initiation of surging often involves a compression front which travels down the glacier. The compression front seems to divide an up-stream region of high drag at the base of the glacier from one of low drag which allows the rapid sliding. We develop a framework for the mechanics of glaciers undergoing surging. Relevant issues are the extensional and compression flows, high longitudinal deviatoric stress, and the stress state near the basal discontinuity. We find that some of the down-slope component of glacier weight is borne by longitudinal stress in the rapidly sliding region. This stress thrusts against the slowly moving parts of the glacier. We hypothesize that this effect causes the rapidly sliding part to spread and causes the compression front to travel down the glacier. A criterion for spreading of the rapidly sliding part is developed. The mechanics outlined above are used to develop a highly idealized model for glacier surging. We propose that regions of low drag are relatively common features of glaciers. The surge initiates when conditions are met which allow the surge nucleus to spread. The rapidly sliding region of low drag spreads to a large part of the glacier. Surging ends when the low-drag conditions terminate. Because of the changed state of the glacier, surge nuclei are now stable against spreading. Several years of rebuilding must occur before nuclei are once more unstable. Calculations are performed for the evolution of the shape of Medvezhy Glacier during the surge of 1963. We find a remarkable similarity between the data and our computations.

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